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The Challenge Kicked Off the 2019 Season
The Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association’s first show of the 2019 season is a wrap. The CHALLENGE was a great show. Despite the cold and a few snow flurries, they had record entries. The show offered a flat fee of $180 per horse and was run by An Equine Production. They also provided a Leveled 14-18 Showmanship and Horsemanship class. “We love the Challenge because it’s a great opportunity for the kids to earn some money for a change,” says Ohio Trainer Missy Thyfault. “The kids love picking their best three classes which makes it a little different than the normal High Point awards typically offered. If someone has an off day in that class they picked, the race can get shaken up some. It keeps it fun for them, and the

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FAQ - 2019 AQHA Rule Book
An Equine Production created this quick reference guide so that you can download it, save it to your phone or tablet, etc. They hope that it will help you find some of the quick rules that they are often asked in the office or at the gate. Please note, at NO times, should this replace the AQHA Rule Book. And NEVER feel like you are ‘bothering’ show management with a rule question. An Equine Production wants you to ask, understand, and know. If you are more comfortable with the rules, you will show more often!

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2018 Awards Banquet In the Books
The 2018 Ohio Quarter Horse Awards Banquet held on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the Hilton Downtown Columbus was bigger than ever! The banquet room was packed with more than 460 in attendance and awards presented to the 2018 OQHA award winners. OQHA Director and co-host for the night, Justin Billings, kicked off the night by inviting the 2018 Congress Queen, Taylor Foster, to lead the attendees in an invocation before dinner. The 2018 OQHA President, Chris Cecil Darnell followed the three course meal by reflecting on her year in office and presenting Valerie Sturgeon an appreciation award for her years of service as the OQHYA Advisor. She also presented Kyle Flatter and Candi Fites with President’s Awards.

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The new will be custom built with members and visitors in mind.
The American Quarter Horse Association is excited to announce that, coming soon, AQHA members and visitors will enjoy a new website experience, backed by a brand-new AQHA database system. The AQHA website will offer a refreshed and personalized experience, complete with enhanced features to better meet the needs of the American Quarter Horse community worldwide. Behind the scenes, a new database system will allow the website to provide more online interaction with members and customers. Online access to information in addition to online transactions, will be made simpler with this new technology. The updated system will also allow AQHA employees faster and easier access to information, assisting with

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2019 AQHA Nutrena East Level 1 Championships Tentative Schedule
The tentative schedule is available online for the 2019 AQHA Nutrena East Level 1 Championships. The American Quarter Horse Association has released the tentative schedules for the 2019 AQHA Central, AQHA West and Nutrena East Level 1 Championships . The 2019 Nutrena East AQHA Level 1 Championships is May 1-5 at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio. View the Nutrena East AQHA Level 1 Championships tentative schedule. Entry, Stall & RV Reservation Forms are available . Exhibitors can compete at only one Level 1 Championships each year. To be eligible to enter the 2019 Level 1 Championships, an exhibitor must: Be Level 1-eligible in the class they wish to enter as of January 1, 2018. Be an

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Find Your Level for 2019
Before you go show, use this online AQHA system to determine eligibility. When entering American Quarter Horse Association classes, AQHA exhibitors are required to provide proof of their level eligibility to show management. Exhibitors can print their level eligibility or save a digital copy on their phone for presenting to show management during the 2019 show season. To determine level eligibility for 2019, visit to access the Web-based AQHA leveling verification system . Eligibility is for the entire year (January-December) so exhibitors only need to determine their level once per show season. How AQHA Levels Work AQHA youth, amateur and open divisions are divided into levels.

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The Buckeye Classic will become Two Separate Shows for 2019
OAQHA Press Release: The Buckeye Classic will become Two Separate Shows for 2019: “The Little Buckeye & YEDA Classic” and the “BWHA Classic” The Little Buckeye and The Buckeye Classic shows, known together as “The Buckeye” were created by a partnership of the BWHA (Buckeye Western Horse Association) and OAQHA (Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association). Since 2013, The Buckeye has awarded more than $300,000 in free youth and amateur entries thanks to the generosity of show sponsors. And, The Little Buckeye earned its spot on AQHA’s Top 10 show list for two years. The combined show was known for being fun - especially for brightening the faces of lead-liners as they took away huge giraffes, hippos or zebras.

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2018 Buckeye Classic is a Wrap
Congratulations to everyone on the #BestBuckeyeYet Buckeye Classic Results Buckeye Classic Circuit Awards NSBA Results Little Buckeye Results The Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic finished up strong on July 22 nd with close to 14,000 entries showing at the beautiful World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio hosted by the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association and The Buckeye Western Horse Association. The two circuits running for ten days offered free youth entries for the Little Buckeye and free amateur entries for the Buckeye Classic, free water, snacks and dozens upon dozens of free Buckeye Classic ice cream sandwiches handed out by The Equine Chronicle Golf Cart and Hospitality Tent. The Leadline

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#BestBuckeyeEver Kicks Off With Big Numbers
The Little Buckeye launched the #BestBuckeyeEver this past weekend July 13-15, at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio. Named an AQHA Top 10 Show in 2017, the Buckeye brings the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association large class numbers. Amateur Horsemanship- 25 L2 Senior Trail- 27 L1 Youth Horsemanship- 30 14-18 Equitation- 31 L1 Youth Showmanship- 33 L1 Trail- 39 14-18 Horsemanship- 40 Wednesday, July 18, marked first day of The Buckeye Classic which runs through July 22. The OAQHA added new this year the NCEA Jr. Medal Horsemanship Class and YEDA Challenge . Unless signed or currently participating on a NCEA team, all youth were eligible to participate in the Horsemanship Challenge; a class

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OQHA Trail Ride Kicks Off
New place. More space. And you still have time to go check it out this weekend! Go to for more details.