OQHA Summer Picnic
OQHA members escaped the heat last week at IronGate Equestrian Center for the annual summer picnic.
Held Monday, June 17, the picnic was once again a favorite event for members and their families, with well over 100 guests in attendance. Sharing good food and fellowship, the summer event provided an opportunity for folks to get out of the summer heat but still enjoy time with friends.
After dinner, the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association met and discussed their plans for the rest of the summer, including their upcoming trips to the YES Conference in Amarillo, Texas, and the AQHYA World Show in Oklahoma City, Okla. Youth members also held the drawing for their annual fundraiser; this year they held a raffle and raised $15,000. Congratulations to Nicole Rice, who won the cash prize. That winning ticket was sold by youth member Juliah Studer.
The open OQHA board also met, where director Cynthia Bauman presented the board and President George Seanor with a check for $2,000 on behalf of OQHA affiliate, Creek Side Horse Park. This generous donation is representative of another successful OQHA All Breed Trail Ride and Mt Trail Challange event.
Looking ahead, the next OQHA and OQHYA board meetings are scheduled for August 19, 2024 at the OQHA office in Columbus.
OQHA points are now updated through June 25. Those can be viewed here.
Good luck to all OQHA members on the rest of their show season!